Making more money than sibling – didn’t go to 4 year university

I am so glad I didn’t have to go to work today. I’m really enthusiastic for any time that I can be away from the office these nights, however everything around there has been incredibly stressful, plus I really need a break from all of the drama. I’m really looking forward to taking some time …

Fan is running, boiler is not.

I have an admission to make, I am a sizable baby when it comes to indoor temperature control. I wish that it wasn’t the case, and I feel like a real drama queen when the issue arises. However, the fact is that I am harshly sensitive to my surrounding air temperature. My body does not …

Roommate won't take care of the Heating and Air Conditioning system – waiting for appointment

When I was much younger I entirely did not understand human beings. I was afraid of them all, and I perceived them to be superior to me in every way. Frankly, I just wasn’t well socialized when it came to other people. As I get older, I realize that I have a lot to offer …

Portable AC device – take it to the garage when sleeping in cathouse

Ten years ago when I was still in college I lived in a terrible apartment building. I could not afford to live on my own, so I moved in with three other roommates in a four-kitchen apartment. This locale was falling apart from the moment that we got there, and there was something current to …

Smart homes are a current necessity

For homeowners looking to reduce carbon footprint and energy costs, an automation system is an ideal opportunity. Rather than attempt to remember to make fluctuations the operation of apartment systems, track energy usage and remember energy saving tasks, the system automates advantageous programs, then an automation system can better manage energy consumption by turning off …