Smart homes are a modern necessity

For homeowners looking to reduce carbon footprint and energy costs, an automation system is an ideal opportunity. Rather than attempt to remember to make changes the operation of household systems, track energy usage and remember energy saving tasks, the system automates advantageous programs. An automation system can better manage energy consumption by turning off the lights when rooms are unused. Occupancy sensors can turn them one whenever someone enters the specific zone. A program can be put into place to turn on specific lights when the homeowners car pulls into the driveway and turned off again several minutes laters. An automation system includes a smart thermostat and allows for programming according to daily or weekly schedule. Again, the use of sensors react to occupancy of a room and adjust temperature accordingly. Plus, the thermostat caters heating and cooling to minimize energy consumption when on one is home. It knows exactly how much time is required to provide ideal comfort for the family’s arrival home. Alerts for filter changes, scheduling professional maintenance and sudden temperature fluctuations work to avoid needless repair expenses. Additional automation system perks include features such as controlling smart blinds. The blinds can be opened during winter afternoons to take advantage of free solar heat and closed during the summer to avoid heat gain from sunshine. The automation system can even handle the operation of ceiling fans, determining the direction of circulation to distribute heat in the winter and contribute to cooling in the summer. Today’s smart systems are capable of monitoring air quality, customize humidity levels and open or close windows. Voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri or OK Google can communicate with the smart home for exceptional convenience. In today’s world, a smart home is not just a luxury but almost a necessity.

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